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Heaven's View Missionary Baptist Church is located in the foothills of Appalachia in Caryville, Tennessee.


We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration and the infallible, unlimited inerrancy and immutability of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.


We believe the Bible to be the true center of Christian union and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions shall be tried.

We also believe that the 1611 King James Bible (KJV) is God's preserved word for English speaking people and that God has preserved it perfectly through ages. With the Bible itself, God has made it evident that He has given to us everything that we need to lead a Spirit-filled life.


HVMBC was founded on Dec 03,1993 in a store front in Lake City, TN (Now Rocky Top, TN). with Rev. Leonard West as their first pastor.


It's founding members included...

Leonard West

Don Dilbeck

Ova "Bud" Simpson

Eldon Hutson

Lewis Reynolds

Paul Slover

Bob Langford

and Steven Ford.


On July 06, 1994 Pastor West resigned and Lewis Reynolds became their pastor, with Paul Slover being appointed Assistant Pastor.

Rev. Reynolds resigned on Jan 07, 1998 and Bob Robertson was brought in as Assistant Pastor.


On Feb 11, 1998 it was renamed to "New Beginning Missionary Baptist Church".

Nov 08, 1998 Rev. A.L. Turpin became pastor. During his pastorship, on May 31, 2015 the name was changed back to "Heaven's View Missionary Baptist Church". He remained pastor until Feb 28, 2016 when he resigned due to illness.

March 06, 2016 Rev. Kenny Gillum was elected pastor. He resigned as pastor on April 01, 2019 but still serves as Assistant Pastor.

Rev. Danny Orick became pastor April 01, 2019 and continues to serve as Pastor.

Heaven's View is continually growing in the Lord and seeks to touch the community and the world in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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